A Light-Medium Toro Cigar Packed with smooth creamy flavor and spice!
Click For More EventsHonoring My Father's Legacy
Our journey at Puello Cigars is not your typical cigar story. We may not have inherited a legacy of tobacco farms or hailed from an ancestry of skilled cigar rollers. But our origin lies with one person - our father.
Sergeant Jaror C. Puello was more than just a cigar enthusiast; he was a true connoisseur. He savored the exquisite combination of a glass of cognac and his daily cigar, just like everyone else.
Following the events of September 11, 2001, he valiantly served overseas in the Iraq/Afghanistan war. Communication during those times relied solely on letters sent through postal mail due to limited access to technology we have today. Our family eagerly awaited each letter that took weeks to arrive, as it assured us that everything was well. Sadly, in 2003, two soldiers appeared at our doorstep with heartbreaking news - our beloved father had passed away.
In 2023, Sean Puello, a connoisseur of cigars like his father, found inspiration from one of those letters from his dad. At that point, he decided to honor his father's dream and established Puello Cigars in 2024.
Today, we continue his legacy by offering the finest cigars in the industry.